7min Low Intensity Postpartum HIIT for Runners #postpartumexercise #postpartumtv #postpartumworkout
This video will take you through a quick HIIT workout. It's a short series of low-impact exercises (no jumping or hopping), as you begin strengthening postpartum. You'll work on core strength, glute strength, shoulder and arm strength, and breathing cues for diastasis recti.
For basic core coordination postpartum: https://youtu.be/ueSPNZremAo?si=rD3DLOZaGOc9_pIL
For more resources or to contact Dr. Emily Bliss:
Postpartum Return to run program: https://www.mumsontherunusa.com/_files/ugd/5ba07c_766779feab6146b89a6537a6dae8dc18.pdf
Postpartum impact testing protocol: https://www.mumsontherunusa.com/_files/ugd/5ba07c_08c1b399036343d2ac226869d08d1310.pdf
The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered medical or physical therapy advice. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, including pregnancy.
#postpartum #postnatal #postnatalworkout #postpartumworkout #postpartumHIIT #POSTPARTUMRUNNING #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorexercises #postpartumtv #postpartumquickworkout #postpartumtipsfornewmoms #postpartumtransformation #postpartumtummy #postpartumexercise #exercises #pregnany&postpartumtv #diastasisrecti #flattummy #mommytummy #mompooch #weightloss #abworkout #abworkoutathome #pregnancyworkout #pregnantrunner #pregnant #pregnantyoga #postnatalyoga #postnatalhiitworkout #postnatalcore #postnatalexercise